Rick Dacey
May 30, 2023
Tournament Updates

Two big 4Sundays events kicked off this weekend and finished up breaking some 4Poker records. 

We broke the million-dollar prizepool barrier for the first time with this Sunday’s $10,300 High Roller. Sure, it fell a little short of the $1.25m guarantee but giving out ‘just’ a $90,000 overlay on a $10k buy-in at a freshly launched poker site? We’re pretty happy with that and think it illustrates the ambition of everyone at 4Poker. Create some big, bold events that brings in some big, bold players. 

BetGPT won the High Roller for $331,250 off two bullets. Somewhat incredibly, BetGPT was the first player out in 116th but chose to reload, a decision which paid off big time. They ended up taking the $331,250 first place winnings beating what appeared to be a tough final table that included 4Pro Ole Schemion (5th for $85k) and 4Poker’s opening weekend crusher I_LOVE_COKE (4th for $116,875). 


Buy-in: $10,300

Entries: 116

Prizepool: $1,250,000 ($90,000 overlay)

  1. BetGPT - $331,250
  2. dagger - $233,750
  3. emiteno - $164,375
  4. I_LOVE_COKE - $116,875
  5. OleSchemion - $85,000 [4Pro]
  6. Ceis25 - $63,125
  7. FrankReynolds - $48,125
  8. r4ven - $37,500
  9. Raub - $30,000

⁠And some of that aforementioned ambition had been realised with the other two-day event: the $1,050 Main Event. That tourney beat its $100k guarantee by a small handful of entries to create a $104,000 prizepool. 

There was divine intervention for PreflopGOD who took home the $28,080 first place prize beating 4Pro Fran Benitez heads up. The upbeat Uruguayan took home close to $20k for his troubles. Fellow 4Pro Artur Martirosian finished 5th for $7,592, a modest score for him given he’s recorded $3.45m in live tournament winnings this yearalone. It all adds up. 

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Buy-in: $1,050

Entries: 104

Prizepool: $104,000

  1. PreflopGOD - $28,080
  2. FranBenitez - $19,448 [4Pro]
  3. Picasso16 - $13,988
  4. Skull - $10,348
  5. A.Martirosian - $7,592 [4Pro]
  6. rose - $5,564
  7. BoCruz - $4,160 
  8. Kkezos13 - $3,328
  9. Raub - $2,756


Raub finished in 9th in both of the 4Sundays events for a combined $32,756 payout. 4Poker tournaments play 8-handed right up to the final table which starts 9-handed. That 9th seat just didn’t seem to do it for Raub, but it’s still an impressive performance that deserves a tip of the hat. 


It’s fair to say that $10k and $1k buy-ins are a stretch for a lot of bankrolls, but 4Poker is looking to create great poker action at all levels. Just take a look at the new 4Poker Daily Schedule that’s set to roll through the summer. Buy-ins and guarantees start from as little as $2.20 and $50 up to a Daily $109 with a $1.5k guarantee. It makes for accessible and playable tourneys. 

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Our Go4Pro Freeroll takes place this Sunday, June 4 at 14:00 ET, giving ALL depositors a chance to win one of 4 Packages to the World Series Main Event. Simply make a deposit to your 4Poker account and you will automatically be registered to our Go4Pro Freeroll giving you the chance to win your seat in Vegas.

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Rick Dacey has been in the poker industry for two decades as a journalist, marketeer, corporate comms man, and enthusiastic player. He's now helping out at 4Poker HQ.