Why We Are 4 Poker

Poker is a beautiful and challenging game. It has formed communities, nurtured friendships and rivalries, and created incredible, memorable moments. Online poker is a key part of the poker world and at 4Poker we’re committed to put it and its players first in every decision we make. 

We may be starting small but we’re aiming big: we want to save the heart and soul of online poker by always trying to do what’s best for the game, being authentic and transparent, and representing the players’ views whenever we take decisions.

Greed and public company pressure has seen rake rise and rewards fall bleeding poker players dry. We believe a low-rake, high-rewards environment can work, that it can grow and sustain a global playing community. We are poker-first and believe it’s a game of skill that should be rewarded and celebrated whether you’re a full-time grinder or a once-a-month dabbler, whether you’re a $10k buy-in regular or a penny stakes cash game player.

Backed by a lot of smart money in the game, we’re putting in place the fundamentals that we know players want and deserve. Deposits won’t have fees. Our withdrawals will be free. We’ll have world class customer support, game integrity, and, of course, a poker room that’s intuitive and that we’re building to be the best there is. We’ll spread a range of games and guarantees that will cater to everyone. No flop? No drop.

But more than anything, we’re going to be committed to ensuring that all our poker games are winnable with the lowest rake around while delivering the best rewards. Does that mean as a site we’ll make less money than we could? Yes, but profit alone isn’t our goal. Everyone involved with 4Poker loves the game, whether as occasional home game players or high stakes pros. We’d rather have a smaller slice of a bigger pie and be able to give more back to the poker community, helping to sustain and grow it. As our goal is to be a net positive in everything that we do, we’re looking forward to give back to the greater community, the world, where we are able.

We believe a poker site should be run by players who understand the thrill of poker, its challenges and complexities, and who are passionate about creating more of it. That’s why we’re going to have an active player forum, ambassadors and 4Poker player committee to keep us focused on what matters.

4Poker is by the players, for the players. Join us.