All In or Fold

All In or Fold

All In or Fold

All In or Fold

It's All or Nothing!

Introducing our new All-In or Fold games (AIOF), a 4 handed cash game where the decision to be made is to go all in or fold in every hand.

This fast-paced and thrilling cash game format will put your poker decision-making process to the test!

Available for: Omaha Cash Games.

How does it work?

With a maximum of 4 players per table, you join an AIOF table the same way you do for a regular cash table. Once seated, all players will be dealt cards, ante is paid, the flop is dealt and then the blinds are posted.

Come your turn to action, you will have the option to either go All-In or Fold your hand. There is a 10 Big Blind cap, which means if you decide to go all in, the amount will be equivalent to the cap amount. For that reason, players must have at least 10 Big Blinds to be dealt in a hand. The ante is 0.1 of the size of the Big Blind.

As soon as the hand is over, we go again and it's time for another All-In or Fold decision to be made!

Rake works the same way as normal PLO games. For all details, check our full Pricing.

By the way, AIOF games count towards our Cash Game Leaderboards!

Where to find AIOF games?

Simply login and navigate to the Cash Games tab in the Lobby - you will find the games highlighted in yellow.

The Table Information section will provide information around the Cap for each specific stake, as shown below:

AIOF Omaha tables and info.PNG

High Hand Jackpots.png


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